Joy Academy is a journey where you are guided to find what’s “missing” from your already pretty good life so that you can experience more joy and lightness every single day
Join nowDo you want to be at peace with your life, living more and more aligned with your own beliefs and knowing that you can be, do, have anything you want?
If your answer is a wholeheartedly YES, you are at the perfect place.
The Joy Academy leads you to listening and respecting your feelings and allowing them to be your guide so that you can confidently make decisions that create more relaxation, light-heartedness, and creativity through your life.
You can have it all: More self-esteem, more fun, more love, more JOY, more energy, good feeling boundaries and great health!
We are all as versatile as life itself, that's why I built Joy Academy so that everything can be tailored to YOU. You can adapt everything you do in the Joy Academy to YOUR life, so that it has a lasting effect and you feel more joy and lightness every day. You'll learn how to
- choose consciously whose expectations and opinions you give consideration to so that you can protect your inner peace in any circumstances.
- turn your inner voice into your supportive and kind “best friend” that empowers you to make changes instead of feeling stuck in situations and criticizing yourself because of it.
- consciously choose your reaction towards all the “shoulds” in your life so that you do more of what feels true to you and makes you happy, free from social expectations.
- be thankful for every day you experience while being ok with your full range of emotions and being able to stay grounded within your gratitude.
In the Joy Academy you'll realize what's already wonderful in all the different areas of your life, which allows you to fully see what's missing so you can create the change you're ready for.
Hey, I’m Ronja Sakata.
My friends call me Queen of Joy because I choose and create joy every day. This life is precious and we have no guarantee for tomorrow.
Over ten years I attended way to many funerals but when my sister's best friend died of a heart attack at the age of 25, I was DONE!
I promised myself to enjoy every single minute of my life, to spend my time with people I love, to do things I'm happy to do, to say yes, when I mean yes and no, when it’s a no.
This unapologetic way of living is not egoistic or self-centered. It brings MORE to your life. More energy, more meaning, more love, more clarity, more ease, more JOY. If you have all that MORE in your body and soul, you can serve the world and the people you love MORE too!

Here's how it works
If you want to find what’s “missing” from your already pretty good life so that you can experience more joy and lightness every single day, you have to align your Joy Compass.
Just like a compass that guides you on great adventures all the way back home, the Joy Compass will empower you to make decisions based on your intuition instead of outside expectations. You trust your own inner wisdom and power and this feels just so reassuring in any situation.
There are 4 key directions on the compass: Your Vision, Your Mindset, Your Habits, and Your Plan.

Your first step is to find your true North: your big fat vision for your life. Your vision serves as the direction of your everyday life, guiding you toward your desired future.
So many people live their whole lives by accident, and therefore have no power to create the life they dream of. When you design your vision, you'll be amazed, how things fall into place (quickly) and opportunities open up, just because you know what you want.

Your Joy-Mindset supports your Vision, because your thoughts have the power to move mountains, to create your reality and to make you feel joyful and at home within yourself.
Imagine a day where instead of overthinking about what this or that person said or did, you were able to truly stop and smell the roses on your way to work, to savor every sip of your morning coffee, and to fully breathe knowing that you are safe, you are loved, and the people in your life truly value you for you, not for what you can do.

You want to become the best version of yourself, and it's your daily, weekly and monthly habits that make up who you are and what kind of life you are leading.
Inside the Joy Academy, you'll be supported to find and create routines that are creative, fun and bring you joy, too. No more going to the gym, because you think you should or have to, from now on, you'll have the coolest relationship with your body and you two find out what's BEST for you TODAY.

You can design your vision, your joy-mindset and your habits, but what happens when little obstacles pop up along the way that throw you off track? That's where bringing your big-fat vision down to the present day and creating a 90-day plan comes in.
With this 90-day plan in hand, you'll not only be in the practice of constantly checking in with yourself to see what you truly want, you'll also be equipped to keep going even when people or patterns from your past jump in, trying to stop you from blossoming into who you truly are.
Your personal Joy Compass is leading and guiding you, so that you live every day aligned with who you really are and want to be, celebrating what's already wonderful and creating the change you're ready for. ARE you ready?
If you want to:
- Gain energy (& learn to keep it!) through amazing meditations and experiences so that you can step fully into your power, knowing YOU (& nobody else) are completely in charge of your life.
- Learn to prioritize yourself and honor your desires so that you can feel focused, peaceful, and enjoy your life more.
- Instead of always saying 'yes' out of habit, let your 'no' mean no and your 'yes' mean yes so you can step out of people pleasing and into integrity with who you truly are and want to be.
- Show yourself that you can trust yourself by implementing habits you want to implement, and discover that true freedom comes from clear processes and strong (but loving) boundaries.
...then get ready for the life-changing Joy Academy.

I am fuelled with good feelings and power
" The Joy Academy is a place to refuel with the good feelings, a haven of abundance! Thank you Ronja for your gift of encouraging others in their independence, authenticity and own power."

I'm getting closer to my dreams every day
"The Joy Academy has made me dream and by dealing with myself and my feelings in the last six months, I am already getting closer to my dreams every day. I am much more aware of my goals in life, which directs the focus to the present, away from the past."

The Joy Academy changed my life
"The Joy Academy was the best thing I could do for ME and I have personally benefited so much. This year changed my life in a positive way and will go down in history as one of the best years for me, despite Corona!"
When you enroll in the Joy Academy, you'll get
Access to the Membership Site, meditations, immediately actionable worksheets and so many tools to help you expand from the inside out. The real heart of the Joy Academy are the 13 Masterclasses, which are 1-2 hours long and structured so that you can start implementing right away. Here are the 13 topics we cover:

Clarity is key
As soon as your vision is anchored in your head and heart, you win! Your best future self is your kindest cheerleader!

What you love can stay
If you are annoyed by the (small or) big mess at home, let's tackle this NOW, together it's possible! The relief is incredible.

Writing is magic
Limiting beliefs get dismantled, dreams become reality, affirmations bring strengths and self-worth. And it's FUN!

You are a VIP
Taking care of you is top priority. Everybody else comes after you. Egoistic? Not at all. You can serve better that way around!

Let's talk mindset
You'll find this theme in every masterclass, because your mindset is incredibly important. Let's take a close look at this huge topic together.

Treat yourself
Treat the temple you live in with care and love. I am convinced that your body knows best what is good for you.

Move your vehicle
Take care of your body, it's the only one you've got. Find out what you and your body need and what brings the most fun! : )

Magical mornings
Creating your personal morning magic is a wonderful thing and will have a very positive influence on your life!

Get rid of old stories
Dissolve everything so that you can be yourself, free and independent and no longer have to carry the old baggage around in your backpack.

Let's be clear
Let's talk about money, because YOU decide how you deal with money and what your attitude is towards money.

Habits are key
Ditch anchors which are not good for you and set new anchors which help you to become your best self and support you every day.

Create clarity
Release old patterns, find out how you want to be in a relationship and learn methods to master interpersonal challenges.

Vital important
Your breath is essential for survival, everything in your body is happy if you take in more oxygen and breathe deep and conscious.
Magical Transformations
What changed thanks to the Joy Academy?
There was such an abundance, a collection of so many treasures
"I fill out the Joyometer weekly (most of the time :)) and always find it great to read them and collect all the nice things. When I looked through them last year I had the feeling that from January to April NOTHING happened in my life (since April I am in the Joy Academy) and from April on there was such an abundance, a collection of so many treasures. Just filling out the Joyometer changes my focus and reminds me again and again to do something nice just for me, even if it is only for a short time, or just to keep the focus on what I am doing. In the meantime, I have combined the Joyometer with my agenda (in a bullet journal way) so that I always see it when I open the agenda and so I immediately write it down when something comes to mind."
Have you got questions?
What is the structure of Joy Academy?
Can I choose what to do when?
What does Joy Academy include?
What do I need to go through Joy Academy?
How much time does it take?
How much does Joy Academy cost?
How long do I have access to Joy Academy?
What happens if I join and it's not what I need?
Have you got any other questions?
In the Joy Academy, you'll build your unique, personal Joy Compass.
Every step of the way, YOU get to choose what you pick up and what you put down, and you get to lean into and follow—maybe for the first time in your life—the things that feel good and pleasurable and joyful to YOU.
If you're looking for a place where you feel as strong and healthy as YOU want, where you are aware of the power of your thoughts and you choose what you want to focus on, where you connect with wonderful people who get the journey you're on and will celebrate you for even taking the journey to greater joy, then join us inside the Joy Academy.

Spending time with yourself and creating your life in a way that makes you happy is so important!
"Thanks to the Joy Academy I learn to know myself a little better every day, to trust myself more and to create my everyday life the way it suits me! Ronja's favorite phrase "It is your life and it has to be right for you" has become firmly anchored in my head and thanks to these words I have already adjusted some things in my life so that they suit me better. The live meditations in the morning and the monthly calls are great too, you can be there, but you don't have to, because you can watch everything afterwards.
In the Masterclasses you look at different topics, Ronja gives tips and there are meditations too. I especially like the challenges. For each topic, you get 30 days of emails with inputs and ideas that you can/should implement on that day and if you like them, you can integrate them into your daily routine.
I think it's great that you can work on the topics at your own pace in the Joy Academy and that you are also supported by inputs in the Facebook group. This is also where you can exchange ideas and experiences with other subscribers and motivate each other to keep working on the challenges.
In the Joy Academy you spend time with yourself and it is definitely worth it! Spending time with yourself and creating your life in a way that makes you happy is so important!
Thank you Ronja for all the good ideas and inputs, for sharing your experiences and for your cheerful, motivating way. Every Masterclass, meditation and monthly call is fun with you!"
Don't hesitate, sign up & try it out
The Joy Academy works like this:
-> After signing up you receive an email with the login that gives you access to the Membershipsite
-> The Membershipsite is built on 13 Masterclasses that are 1-2 hours long
-> In addition to the Masterclasses there are 31 days mail challenges, meditations and workbooks
-> You can choose your own pace and time
-> All you need is a little bit of time, a journal and a pen

Life Changing Experience
How does being in the Joy Academy feel like?
So many big and small resources that you can use to approach everyday life more consciously
"At first I was a bit worried about having to do a lot of things at the Joy Academy, that it was expected that you do things and participate and get involved. But then I realised that, first of all, that's not the case at all (on the contrary) and that I like doing it and I notice that it brings me a lot. I can choose and tackle topics that are important to me. During the live calls, I can participate live and experience what tools can be used to change something; but I also have the opportunity to watch the replay at a later time and benefit from it that way too. In the Joy Academy there are so many workbooks, sheets, meditations and masterclass videos to choose from. So many big and small resources that you can use every day to approach everyday life more consciously, to become more aware that this day is a gift and that you have every opportunity to make the best of it. I also experience a really great support also in the group, if one wants that. I feel very comfortable and valued at the Joy Academy."

I experience and design my everyday life more consciously
"I have already integrated many things into my everyday life. I experience and design it more consciously and bring more joy into it. I have set myself goals that I would otherwise only have dreamed of, such as climbing the Matterhorn and I will soon run a mountain marathon. : ) I am looking forward to next year with Ronja and the Joy Academy."

It really was a complete success
In this year with you, much has changed for me. I got to know myself better and I approach many things more calmly. I listen to my body and I have created space throughout the day to unwind. My attitude is much more positive and relaxed. It really was a complete success. Even though I wasn't there for the live calls etc. (the time just wasn’t possible with the kids), it did a lot for me. Thank you very much for the Joy Academy.

Dreams and visions always deserve attention
"I think reflecting, cleaning out inside and outside, working on dreams and visions are all things that always deserve attention. I'm super excited to be on the road for another year, continuing to work on myself and enjoy this journey."

Now is your time!
Don't wait until someday to do the things you truly want to do! Your life is now! It's very important to me that I offer you things, that you can implement no matter how stressful your day is, you'll be amazed how little things can have a huge impact, so don't hesitate and choose YOU today!
What if the thoughts in your head sounded less like anxiously overthinking what so-and-so might think of you, and more like
- I am worthy.
- I am perfect the way I am right now.
- I’m at the right place at the right time.
- I am learning.
- I am growing.
- I am enjoying my life right now, while I step by step get closer to the life of my dreams.
This is what you'll begin to experience after even one month inside the Joy Academy.
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Why recommend the Joy Academy?
You can really change things in your life in a positive way
"Because Ronja is a wonderful person who radiates soooo much genuine joy that it’s simply contagious. Ronja has dealt with all the topics she offers very intensively herself, she shares so many of her own ideas and experiences and you notice every day that the Joy Academy is dear to her heart. Ronja gives you so many tools that you can use to really change things in your life in a positive way. But what I like most of all is that she never tries to make things look good, that she never tries to play the 'happy life and everything is so colourful and rosy' card. Ronja has worked hard for everything herself and now passes on this knowledge and experience with great joy and a 'Ronja glow'. What you make of it is up to you."