Hey, I'm Ronja Sakata.
I've always done things differently. I'm a stubborn country girl who wants to do things MY way! Freedom is my core value and JOY is my compass. That's why my passion and my mission is to inspire you to find out, how YOU want to create YOUR life. A life on your own terms, full of fun and love and joy. No rules and "you have to do it this way", you tap into your own inner wisdom and do it YOUR way.
My Story
I grew up in a small country side village near Zurich, Switzerland on a construction site. No joke. My parents and their friends renovated a gigantic old house, while rising kids and having a bloody good time. I learned, that you can do whatever you want, you just have to figure out HOW! Earning pocket money was always possible by knocking off plaster on some wall.
In school I was always the youngest, shy and without any speedy answers. The perfect victim for slight or more severe bullying. Finding my place in a group was one thing I couldn't figure out.
Not until I joined the scouts movement. I was a leader for 10 years in the division of the boy-cub-scouts. We organised the most amazing camps and Saturday activities for these little guys. I learned project management, team leadership, presenting in front of an audience... this was life changing learnings right there.
1995 I was attending the World Scout Jamboree in the Netherlands and 1998/99 I was a leader for one of the Swiss troops going to Chile in South America. 30,000 attendees from over 180countries was so impressive! I loved the international connection then and I love it now in my business. I love to feel connected worldwide and that we belong together. We are one team. Team human! The timeline tells you about my professional career. From food engineer to salad dressing company owner to professional school teacher to Japan knowledge influencer to JOY is my compass coach...every step on my way taught me so many things and I am very grateful for all the stations on my life's journey.
My most favorite place on earth? The mountain valley, where all the gorgeous pics on this website got taken by Bry Penney in September 2020.
You want to learn more about me? Read my fancy third person bio or go to my blog for 22 facts about me and join me over on Instagram @joyismycompass. I'm looking forward to meeting you there!

My fancy third person bio
Ronja Sakata is a Life and Business Coach, Food Engineer and Queen of Joy. Since launching in 2013, Ronja treats clients to a secret world of joy and energy.
With her zest for life and passion to change the world, Ronja has a unique talent for inspiring and educating all those around her, so their business and personal lives may thrive each and every day with ease and grace.
Ronja is fluent in Japanese and has an overwhelming passion for Japan after an internship there in 2001. She currently resides in Switzerland with her husband and daughter.
Ronja is a Food Engineer with a BA and a Masters from the ETH Zürich where she obtained her Degree in Teaching Higher Education. In 2009, she obtained her Coaching Degree from the Zürich University of Teacher Education (PH Zürich).
Check out my Blog

What if FUN is your priority in your life?Ā
Having fun is only for weekends and holidays. Normal day life is not fun. Right? But what if? What if having fun is a big fat priority for you?Ā Take 22min of your time and dive into your thoughts and believes & create FUN into your everyday life!

22 facts about me - little red Ronja
In the Joy Academy group, new members always introduce themselves with 22 facts about them. This is so much fun and super interesting. Check my 22 facts and find out, what that red spot on my face did to me.

Your habits create your reality! True?
Are you offended by this statement? Are bad habits dictating your life? Habits are only for disciplined boring people? I get it!!! I needed decades to acknowledge, that creating new habits rocks! The good news: YOU choose which one!