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Food - My Body's Fuel

Oct 29, 2020

7 kilos, that's 14 pounds, in 7 weeks… nope I didn’t lose it, I gained that weight. It really matters, what we feed ourselves. It’s really important to choose and decide. I like the «concept» of intuitive eating, where you train yourself to listen to your body very intentionally. You listen, when you’re full. You listen what you want to eat.

Well I didn’t do that back in 1998, when I was working as an intern in a bakery in the Swiss mountains. We had to do a 7 week internship for our food engineering studies in whatever company we wanted. As I love snowboarding my plan was: Find a bakery in a ski resort and then I’ll work in the morning and I’ll go snowboarding every afternoon.

After about 80 phone calls I got hired for board and lodging in Davos. Every day I crawled out of bed at 4am, went downstairs to start at 4:30 am and the eating feast began. After packing all the breads for the hotels we sat down for breakfast ourselves. It was kind of the most delicious brunch every single morning! After that we were producing sweets and easter chocolate bunnies and liquor filled pralines and pastry. I ate every piece, which fell apart or fell down or the first cut of a long traditional apple pie... what was I thinking!? That was not even half of my food intake... watch the video for the full story. : )

So what are my 5 tricks?

  1. Serve yourself a beautiful plate, decorate it, like you would be your guest. Beautiful food is more fun to eat.
  2. Eat slow, the feeling of satiety sets in after about 15min
  3. Enjoy every bite! Enjoy the flavors, the texture, the temperature... just everything
  4. Stop when you’re full. Easier said than done, but this is a habit you can train yourself
  5. Journal after your meals for one or two weeks: What did I eat? How did this meal made me feel? Like full of energy? Food coma? Guilt? Anger? Satisfaction? Joy? You know what makes your body sing. Just eat more of this and less of the things which doesn’t serve your body!

You’ve got this and you deserve wonderful food, which you enjoy and which make you jump, because it gives you so much energy!

If you have any questions or if you want help and support, write an email to me, write a DM on instagram or a message on Facebook. I’ll answer you for sure!

Lots of love and joy

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