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Winter Solstice-Magic

Dec 21, 2020

I love the magic of the 21st of December. The shortest day of the year on the northen hemisphere. My daddy is so good in astronomy, he can explain you EVERYTHING you want to know... and then... I forget about the details right away... lousy student me!

What I don't forget is the magic around the solstice. This is the day, where I write down every thought and limiting believe and stupid habit and whatever else I want to get rid of and then, I BURN the piece of paper or the pages of crap, which is in my thinking and in my brain and in my behaviour.

If you've never done this before, do it today! Or tomorrow... or any other day! If you do this every 6 month when a solstice comes around, you will do it anyway, because magic is in the air. I love love rituals like this and I tell you: This works! The relief and the motivation to change things is incredible powerful.

Please send me pictures of your FIRE, even if it's an empty tomato-can... a huge bonfire is extra cool for sure! Yes, you are right, I've talked about this before. Every full moon, I invite you to do this kind of «getting rid of things» journaling. The solstice is only twice a year, that's why it's extra magical.

From today on, the days start to become longer again. I love that we already change the direction and head towards summer (if you are in Australia... I wish you the most wonderful longest day of the year)... I don't mind the darkness at all, because I love winter and my birthday and Christmas, but if you are suffering about the short days: Now is the time to celebrate... every day is a step closer to summer!

For an extra wonderful magical solstice, this time Saturn and Jupiter look like one star! A Christmasstar! I read several blogs and sources and some say: This phenomen was seen the last time 800years ago, others say 400... well.. a really long time ago. : ) I'll check the stars on the webcam of Arosa because we sit underneath the fog in Zurich. Around 5:30pm Switzerland time (CET) the stars shoud show off in the South East.

PS: I already wrote my «list of things I want to let goooo of…» in a hot bathtub with a pen, which was ok with the moisture and with candle light πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚. So luxurious! Our bathroom is tiny and not luxurious at all, but candles make everything wonderful for sure! My fire where I burned the things I wanted to get rid of looked like this. : )

PPS: Fill out the Joyometer and collect all those good moments and print the Joy Cards below to bring some Christmas-Joy into your neighborhood, with a joyful message on a park bench or latern post. : )

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