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Create your Morning Magic

Sep 26, 2020

When I was studying at the technical university, I lived with 3 guys in a shared apartement. Our alarms went off daily at 7:30am, we thought it is the middle of the night and that it's TOTALLY NOT POSSIBLE TO GET UP. «Are you getting up?» somebody yelled… nope...nope...nope… we regularly skipped that first lesson starting at 8.15am. I wasn't a morning person AT ALL!

My first temporary job I found after graduating was a 90min train ride away from Zurich and I had to get up at SHOCKING 5:45am. : ) This number 5 on my alarm drove me nuts. I really found it absolutely inhumane to have to get up that early. I even stole the scooter of my father back, which we gifted him for his 60th birthday and he never used, so that I could dash through Zurich main station like a maniac to catch that train to Lucerne in the last second.

One morning I was in the tram approaching the station and the clock was ticking, 90seconds to go until my train leaves. I was talking out loud: «Commoncommon quick, I need to catch that train!», while the door wasn't yet opening. The elderly gentleman next to me looked at me and started to call me out: «Ah these young people!! What's wrong with them? Staying in bed until the last minute! Get up earlier! Don't blame public transportation that you are late!» ..... it seemed sooo long that he ranted at me and finally the door opened and I could speed to the train track on my scooter.

This man probably doesn't live anymore, that was 17 years ago, but you see… I still remember his words and his impact on me was HUGE! I really thought about what he yelled at me. The next day already I caught the earlier tram to have an easy breezy scooter ride through the station. Ok… I liked that. The stress level of my morning was reduced by sooo much wasted energy. Thank you, mister grumpy, for calling me out that morning.

WHY do I tell you that? I want YOU to think about YOUR mornings. Are you snoozing 10times and missing your bus every morning? Are you jumping out of bed and already diving headlong out of your door? Of course, you can do that for as long as you want. Nobody has to tell you anything, BUT how about you gifting YOURSELF an easy morning with more time to think and breathe and eat a yummy breakfast? I don't know anything about your morning, but YOU do!

The morning magic with getting up CRAZY early (my student-self would have killed me, if I would have told her, that in the future, I'll get up at 4:44 with a SMILE on my face!) came into my life in 2015. We were spending long 5 weeks in Japan to see family and friends and travel. I'm really not used to be around my wonderful beloved family for 24/7. I love my work and I love to be alone. I had a major meltdown and just cried: I WANT A DAY AT HOME ONLY IN MY PIJAMA AND NOT GOING ANYWHERE!

Ken, my husband, looked at me, like I'm a crazy person and told me: «Well, then stay at home, byebye.» Off he went shopping… fishing gear, car or bike supplies... he was in his zone, and of course in his homeland, so I didn't want to be mad at him, BUT this 4 year old toddler, who drove me crazy, was in the house with me and I wasn't alone AT ALL!

The next day I went to a temple in the mountains of Kyoto ALONE and left the Japanese gang on their own. This was so much needed ME-time. I remember my feeling of relief on that bus ride through the mountains very vividly. In this temple garden I meditated and I asked for guidance: «Take it slow, enjoy the ride and take care of yourself», was the answer.

After this time in Japan I started to create my morning magic! I realized that I NEED this!  Getting up at 4:44 to meditate, journal, do EFT (next blogpost is about that) and work out (sweaty or yoga or both)... I felt like reborn when I had this 90min to myself before my family woke up! Even when Mika got up (magically sensing, that something is going on), I told her very determined, that she has to be quiet and just laying on that sofa, being with me, but not asking ANY questions or ordering water or whatever: THIS is MY time! If I sound harsh to you, that's ok. I think it's a really good thing to let your kids watch you taking care of yourself and your sanity. Setting boundaries so that you can enjoy your ME-time is absolutely ok! I give you the full permission too!

Sooo, will you try this? I found out that I'm not the only one, some month after I started I got the recommendation for the books: «Miracle morning» and «the 5AM-club». You can either read those or just GO and create your own morning magic right away. And it doesn't have to be in the morning, even though that's scientifically proven, that your brain works better after tuning in your day like that, your productivity is better... BUT if you like to have your ME-time in the evening, go for that! Do it YOUR way!!

If you want support to improve not only your mornings but your whole life in every area, join the Joy Academy. The whole buffet of tools and methods is ready for you to serve yourself. You decide which topic you are most interested in, you start with whatever is most important in your life right now. You can CHOOSE! It's up to YOU! You are the captain of your ship. This is so good to know, right? I have to tell me this every day.

Let's create morning magic together and set our intentions for a joyful, fun day, where everything works out, where you and I meet wonderful nice people, where we are kind to the kind and unkind humans, we'll have an interaction with. Let's make awesome days happen, which turn into weeks, which turn into months and then years. This day matters! How you start it, how much time there is for YOU in it: YOU decide! Talk to you next week or join the Joy-Challenge here: it's free and so much fun!

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Lots of love and JOY to you,

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