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You can stop taking life seriously, right now

Nov 16, 2023

When I was asked at a party how I was doing and I replied with: “Amazing”, do you know what the person’s answer was?

Not “that’s great to hear” or “oh that’s wonderful”, nope, the answer was: “What drugs are YOU on??”

I find this says so much about our western society. It’s shady when you’re feeling awesome, it’s weird when you’re having a lot of fun, it’s suspicious if your answer isn’t followed by a “but…” and some sort of complaint, however minor. 

If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re either intrigued or fascinated by how I do life - at this point a big warm thank you for being here! - and I’m happy that you’re with me on this journey, because I want us all to be able to feel amazing and to have more fun in life. Every day. 

In the Joy Academy I again and again experience with my clients how everything shifts when they start to consciously create moments of joy, fun, rest and ease, even amidst their “normal” day to day life. 

Joy Academy is a one year journey where you are guided to find what’s “missing” from your already pretty good life so that you can experience more joy and lightness every single day.

The Joy Academy guides you to feel, listen to, and respect your feelings and allow them to be your guide so that you can find out how you want to live life and what having fun and joy looks like to YOU.

To me fun and joy are very close. When I do things that are fun to me, I feel joyful. When I do things that bring me joy, I have fun. 

In the Joy Academy one of the first things you’ll realize is how intertwined everything is. That’s why we lay the focus on consciously creating fun and joy on YOUR terms - whether that means throwing a big party, sliding down the slide on a playground or swimming naked in a lake - whatever it is that makes you smile. Because that makes everything in your life lighter and brighter, that’s when you’ll feel creative, when you’ll feel joyous, it’s when you’ll feel hopeful. 

All this is necessary and important to find what’s missing in your life and spark the change that’s needed so that you can enjoy your life to the fullest whilst making the whole world a more fun, playful and joyful place.

To quote Greg McKeown in his book “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less”: “Play expands our minds in ways that allow us to explore: to germinate new ideas or see old ideas in a new light. It makes us more inquisitive, more attuned to novelty, more engaged.”

Yes, my life is full of colors and rainbows, sunshine and unicorns. Your way of joy and fun might be in reading a good book or taking long walks in the woods. There’s no wrong or right, there’s just what feels joyful and fun at that moment to each of us. 

If you are ready to step up and change the game to make your life and the whole world a more fun, playful and joyful place for YOU and everybody around you, join the Joy Academy on

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