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The Let's Create Joy Podcast is live!

Jun 22, 2020

This podcast was born out of the idea to talk to different people about how they bring joy into their everyday life. The results are exciting and extremely enriching conversations.

We are all experts of our everyday life and it is incredibly inspiring to experience the different opinions, approaches, rituals and much more.

With my podcast I would like to show you how many possibilities there are to create joy in your life, no matter where, with whom and how you are in life right now. If you want to get even more inspiration, then sign up for the 21-Day Joy-Challenge here: and join the closed Joy-Facebookgruppe, where the conversations are always spun further and where you'll meet awesome people. : )

If you want to jump right into the VIP-status of my community and invest in your Joy-mindset to win life with a smile on your face: Here she is, the Joy Academy

If you want to check me out first, you can find me on the following channels:

I look forward to meeting you here or there. : )



You can watch the video to my intro here:

Sign up for the bi-weekly JOY-delivery directly from Ronja's scrapbook

Inspirational stories, colorful illustrations, pictures and wisdom which will inspire YOU to live your life YOUR way, full of things, which bring you JOY!

I will never sell your information for any reason and of course you can unsubscribe at any time.