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Summer Series - What brings me Joy?

Aug 04, 2021

What brings you joy? I've talked about this a lot already and it's always fun. : )

If you know what brings you joy, you have a treasure chest full of wonderful things that will also support you when things aren't going so well! You already know what you need to create a good feeling or to put a smile on your face.

When you know yourself better and better, when you know what you need, who you are and what brings you joy, you can really enjoy life.

In the "Seven Golden Days" we take care of these big questions. The goal? Clarity! Clarity is like a blue mountain lake... it exudes peace and confidence! Get YOUR clarity in the Seven Golden Days! 

Sign up here for the «Seven Goldene Days».

Why not invite your friends to ponder the questions together, that's a lot of fun too. Send them this link:

Lots of love,


PS: Fill out the Joyometer and collect all those good moments and print the Joy Cards below to bring some JOY into your neighborhood, with a joyful message on a park bench or latern post. : )


Sign up for the bi-weekly JOY-delivery directly from Ronja's scrapbook

Inspirational stories, colorful illustrations, pictures and wisdom which will inspire YOU to live your life YOUR way, full of things, which bring you JOY!

I will never sell your information for any reason and of course you can unsubscribe at any time.