More Energy

Joy Blog

Meditation rocks!

Meditation rocks! Do you agree? - Watch this video and I’ll take you into a Japanese monestary and create a golden bubble around you : )

You don’t agree? Do you find meditation boring, but you’ve never tried it? Let me talk you into...

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Create the movie of your life

Do you like your current movie of your life? Do you want to change things up? Watch the video and gain clarity about what it is, what YOU want for your life. YOU deserve a life you LOVE!!!

Now we switch to the soundtrack... because the MUSIC defines...

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How to deal with information overload

This is so simple: «Stop consuming information!»
Well, simple, but just not possible. BUT we can be very picky about which information we let in (our golden bubble : )) and which one we just don’t want to listen to or watch,...

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Two mamas, five kids in the capitol - an everyday adventure

How about more V-log kind of videos? I'm totally into it and I love the outlook on a cool mix of joyful and practical tipps on my blog and youtubechannel with tricks and tools for YOUR life, but also telling you, what's going on in my world on top of...

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The coolest trick to drink enough water!

"Ronja, are you all of a sudden giving unasked advice to me?" Me?? Noooo! YOU decide EVERYTHING in YOUR life!

Nevertheless, drinking Water is a big trick to take good care of our body. All the processes in our system function with water or get...

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The five Ā«thingsĀ» I use to keep my energy high

I tell you close to nothing in this text : ) Please watch the video for the inspiration to think about YOUR things, you can do for gaining and maintaining your energy! It's so incredibly valuable when you take your time and journal about the things...

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Create a morning routine you are in love with

Getting up in the early morning with a bright smile, totally refreshed from your good night sleep, ready to conquer the world and have the best mood ever, THAT'S the goal, right? : )

I hope you know me better by now. I don't like commercial...

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What can you delegate to your UA the coming week?

Are you good in delegating things? Is this difficult or easy for you? Let tasks go without micro managing or controlling, instead trust, that the other person will do a good job, that IS an art or a skill!

The relief which lies in delegating is the...

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Two lists, which will change your life

Big words again, I know : ) but you should know me by now... I MEAN IT! I got the inspiration of these two specific lists from @thedadbodslayer on Instagram (check him out, he is awesome and hopefully soon a podcast guest of mine! We "met" in the Bo...

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I tell you my 3 favorite journaling-exercises

Journaling is a supertool, which is free, easy and sooo powerful! I show you my three favorite exercises and you can try them right away. That's what I love about the Joy Academy: In the masterclass for each topic, we work together right away, you...

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My most favorite tool - the mysterious UA!

I promise, this is the last time I make such a fuss around this UA-tool... if you have an UA already, you know how much fun it is, that first you have no clue and after a short instruction, you are all set for the coolest support and fun and magic.


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A mindset trick which brings you fun and success!

I love mindset tricks. We can imagine sooo many things and the coolest thing is when your subconcious mind plays along.

The mindset tricks I teach in the Joy Academy are so divers and soooo cool. The best thing is: They are free, they are easy and...

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