More Energy

Joy Blog

Katy Henry talks about how to find our soulā€™s purpose

Katy is a five element acupuncturist based in the UK. She travelled the last few years after working 20 years in her own company – a natural health center. Katy has such a wonderful and calm presence and it was a delight to have this...

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Lombe Mwansa talks about embracing the power of choice

I met Lombe Mwansa in the Bo Eason Facebook group (A-listers, highly recommended) and I’m so happy to share this awesome conversation with you! Lombe is a high school teacher and a wellness coach. We talk about small wins that lead to big wins,...

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Patti Shales Lefkos about the difference you can make

Patti Shales Lefkos and I met in the Self Publishing School and I’m so thrilled to talk to her in this episode. Hearing Patti talk about her life, the travels that she has done – starting at the age of 65! - and the difference she was...

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Angie Taylor on the power of our fingertips

Angie Taylor is a French to English translator and an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)/Matrix Reimprinting practitioner. We met a few years ago at a live event in London and I’m so happy that we got to spend this hour together. Angie talks...

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Ena Bautista about the importance of asking for help

I met Ena Bautista in a Social Media course and I’m super stoked to share our conversation with you! Ena grew up in Bosnia where she experienced war with her family. Ena was able to overcome this trauma and helps women today as a mindset coach....

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AnTonia Jackson about the gift of today and the magic of a great vision

AnTonia Jackson was introduced to me by her mother Dr. Latarsha Holden who I had the honor to have as a guest on this podcast before. AnTonia is an incredible young woman, it’s amazing what she accomplished at the age of 19. She is a four times...

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Marie-Claire Ashcroft about choosing the sunnier side of things

Marie-Claire Ashcroft is a good friend of mine and I’m so happy to introduce this powerful and joyful woman to you! Marie-Claire is a «professional rebel», as she calls herself and she creates awesome photos of people while at the...

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Dr. Lulu about the importance of making an U-turn when you get to a road block

Dr. Lulu is an incredible woman, and this conversation will simply blow your mind! Dr. Lulu is a board-certified pediatrician, motivational coach, bestselling author, podcaster and that doesn't even come close to describing her properly! She is a...

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Natalie Stokell about the power of our brain

I met Natalie in the «Lucky Bitch Money Boot Camp». She owns «F-BOMB AFFIRMATIONS» and is the author of the book of the same title. Natalie is a powerful woman full of wisdom and sparkles. She decided early on that she...

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Jay Smith about joy, music and dreaming of Japan

Jay and I met several months ago in an online group for self-published authors and I‘m super happy to connect again in this podcast, because Jay is an awesome person and a very interesting one too! Jay is a musician, an actor, an overall...

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Emma Rose Stowell on the power of manifestation

I met Emma Rose Stowell when I was working on my book «The Joy Compass» and we were in the same facebook group of a book writing program. Emma is an author and she lives in New Zealand with her husband and their three children. The story...

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Dr. LaTarsha Holden about finding the way up from rock bottom

Dr. LaTarsha Holden is a very impressive woman whom I‘m very happy to have this conversation with. Her life story is simply mind-blowing, and it stands for so many things. LaTarsha has raised her six children alone on the streets before finding...

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